No Excuses
Breakthrough Fear & Adversity to play a bigger game in business and life.
Own the 86,400 seconds in a day that are given to you.
No More Excuses

The perfect time is now.

A lifetime of experience from childhood, the State Police, and direct sales to breakthrough fear & adversity to play a bigger game in business and life.

No Excuses

Breakthrough your Fear & Adversity
In this Keynote you will recognize the excuses we all tell ourselves of why we can’t achieve a certain goal, or attain that next promotion, or make the biggest impact in our career and life.
This program is perfect for:
• Chiefs and/or high ranking sworn members looking to lead their department with resilience and positivity in today’s times.
• Sergeants and Lieutenants looking to make a positive impact on their day to day operations with both their personnel and general public.
• Police Officers looking to remain positive, make an impact and have the mindset to lead by example each and everyday.
• Civilian Personnel to stay positive and focused in all they do to support the department in a positive and impactful way.
The audience will leave with:
• Empowerment that they can achieve big goals
• Inspiration to take action immediately towards that next level
• Having a vision that they can see and feel before they are even there
• The positive mindset and attitude needed each day to succeed no matter what happens in life
98% of people live life by default.
Because they let life’s circumstances control
how they react.

When you have a 2% mindset and live life be design, you overcome fear & adversity. No matter what happens to you, you control how you react and your attitude each day.

You have a powerful Vision, a strong Mindset and a sense of Urgency to succeed at the highest level.

Keynote Speaker David Atkins 9th Annual Police Recruitment & Retention Summit.

Atkins will share stories from his childhood and hardships throughout his adulthood that have inspired his commitment to his own personal growth journey, which he believes has been the defining factor in his success through law enforcement and a keynote speaker.
It’s Time to
Break Through All Barriers
David teaches you the mindset needed through his own stories of trials and tribulations to succeed at the highest level. You have everything already in you to succeed. David opens your eyes to see that within yourself and began taking massive action.


It started when I was 12 years old and I had the vision of being a professional baseball player. I wanted a batting cage with a pitching machine in my backyard. My parents couldn’t afford it so I wrote my goal down on a piece of paper, gave it to them, and vowed to make it happen. I delivered newspapers in all types of weather for an entire year until I saved a few thousand dollars to purchase the machine. Despite the cold, the rain, people not paying me, I kept the vision and goal in the forefront of my mind and refused to make excuses.
I never gave up.
As a teenager growing up in Long Island, NY, I was always impressed by Ocean Lifeguards. I started on the Long Island Sound but wanted something more.
I wanted to be an Ocean Lifeguard or as my Grandpa said “Those are the real lifeguards.” I had to overcome many barriers such as FEAR to achieve such a goal but with the right MINDSET it ultimately helped me prevail.
I entered the New York State Police as a State Trooper in 1998 and rose through the ranks to Captain until retirement in 2020. I was promoted from State Trooper to Investigator. Then I was promoted to Sergeant and again promoted to Lieutenant and ultimately promoted to Captain. This is where I ran the entire County of Westchester, NY for the State Police.
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